Local Guardian Information (Non-Local BOARDERS)

Guardian Information and Agreement
(for Non-Local and International Boarding Students)

Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School strongly advises that non-local boarding students (i.e., international students) have a local guardian.  In the event that this is not possible, families should understand that student sign-outs may be limited due to concerns over adequate adult supervision.

The criteria listed below must be met throughout the year in order for an off-campus arrangement to remain in effect.  Failure to comply with the School's decisions regarding adjustments to or the cancellation of this agreement may result in the interruption of the student's schedule.

1. The guardian agrees to meet with the School (Administrator, Advisor, Teacher) as requested throughout the year.

2. The guardian agrees to play an active role in the academic and social growth of the student.  It is also expected that the guardian will be in regular communication with the student’s parents.

3. Student may not stay at the guardians home for any overnite, weekend or school vacation when guardian cannot provide direct supervision.

4. All communications from the School to the guardian will be answered in a timely fashion.

5. Guardians will be responsible for following school expectations for weekends off campus, including appropriate supervision and following the correct sign-out procedure. If any activity that is in violation of school rules takes place in the residence involving the student, the weekend sign-out privilege will likely be revoked and could result in a disciplinary response.  

6. Guardians are granted the authority and are responsible for changing students’ permissions in accordance with boarding policy in lieu of parental communication.

7. Boarding student guardians must be at least 25 years of age or be approved by the grade level Program Director.

8. The guardian agrees to provide housing and supervise the student during a suspension, sickness, and/or vacation times as needed if parent is not readily accessible or available.  The guardian will assist the student with transportation arrangements during the academic year as needed.  

9.  In the event the student’s vacation plans fall through last-minute, the guardian is expected to make appropriate alternative arrangements if the School cannot.
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