

  • September

    Ping Pong Pickup Challenge

    Yesterday, Middle School students joined the Upper School engineering class for the Ping Pong Pickup Challenge Project!
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  • PGA Drop-In - 9/17

    It has been great seeing all the parents and guardians stopping by the PGA’s new Drop-In Hour, every Tuesday from 8-9am!
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  • Class of 2025 Rafting Trip

    During Orientation Day this past week, members of the class of 2025 got to embark on a whitewater rafting adventure! They journeyed to Crab Apple Whitewater in Charlemont, Massachusetts where they spent the day splashing, laughing, and careening down the river. It was an incredible day they won't soon forget!

    For more pictures from the day, check out the Flickr album, here.
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  • Summer Reading Discussions

    Today students, faculty and staff took part in group discussions centered on the summer reading of He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters, Obie Is Man Enough, First Openly Trans NCAA Athlete Schuyler Bailar Gives Insight on Lia Thomas Competing, and Schuyler Bailar | Obie is Man Enough | Talks at Google. These were great discussions on gender in all its complexities, shades, and beauty.
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  • June

    Photo credit: Anna M. ('24)

    Coach MacPhail Named Coach of the Year

    Coach Ian MacPhail has been named the 2024 New England Eastern Coach of the Year by USA Lacrosse for the second time in three years. He is a coach that athletes love to play for which is clear by the roster growth under his leadership. Regardless of an athlete’s prior experience or skill, they are welcome and embraced. Senior captain Nick D. reflects that, “Coach asked me to play lacrosse my sophomore year, and it truly changed my life. He pushed me on the field and made me fall in love with the sport.”

    Coach MacPhail’s commitment to skill development, team culture, and sharing his passion for lacrosse has led the Chargers to win three league titles since 2018 as well as earn two bids to the McCoy Cup. 

    In addition to coaching lacrosse, he has previously assisted the varsity boys’ soccer team, varsity girls’ basketball team and the JV volleyball team at CH-CH. Coach MacPhail has previously coached at The Winchendon School, Arlington High School, and Concord Academy. He played four years of varsity lacrosse at Guilford College. In addition to coaching at CH-CH, he coaches the Penguins Lacrosse Team and PrimeTime Elite Lacrosse Camps. 

    Congratulations, Coach MacPhail!
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  • May

    Chargers Honored at Conclusion of Spring Season

    The Charger athletic teams gathered earlier in May to celebrate their accomplishments as teams as well as recognize some individual award winners for their outstanding contributions. In addition to CHCH team awards, athletes have also recently been awarded with all-league and all-NEPSAC recognition for their excellence on the field. Congratulations to the following award winners:

    Boys’ Lacrosse - Romeo M. ('26)
    Boys’ Tennis - Nate D. ('25)
    Girls’ Tennis - Azra A. ('25)

    All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention
    Boys' Lacrosse - Jaylin J. ('25)

    MBIL Boys' Lacrosse Most Valuable Player
    Jaylin J. ('25)

    MBIL Boys Lacrosse All-league
    Romeo M. ('26)
    Jaylin J. ('25)

    MBIL Baseball All-league
    Adam P. ('26)

    MBIL Ultimate Frisbee All-league
    Margaret C. ('24)

    MBIL Boys Tennis All-league
    Nate D. ('25)

    IGC Girls Tennis All-league
    Azra A. ('25)

    IGC Girls Lacrosse All-league
    Hirut G. ('26)

    Boys’ Lacrosse
    Most Improved- Maximo M. ('24)
    Coaches’ Award- Jack L. ('25)
    Coaches’ Award- Nicholas D. ('24)

    Girls’ Lacrosse
    Most Valuable Player: Phinley G. ('27)
    Coaches’ Award: Zoe T. ('25)
    Captains’ Award: Rest A. ('26)

    Ultimate Frisbee
    Spirit Award: Margaret C. ('24) 
    Spirit Award: Sam M. ('25)
    Spirit Award: Camila L.-O. ('25)

    Girls Varsity Tennis
    Team Player Award: Molly S. ('25)
    Most Improved Player: Matilda G. ('26)
    Coach’s Award: Olivia M. ('24)

    Girls JV Tennis
    Coach's Award: Jiayue W. ('26)

    Boys Varsity Tennis
    Spirit Award: Nate D. ('25)
    Spirit Award: Jimmy P. ('27)
    Spirit Award: Pablo R. ('24)

    Impact Pitching Award: Milo T. ('27)
    Impact Hitting Award: Adam P. ('26)

    Congratulations, and GO CHARGERS!
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  • Johnson Named 2024 MBIL Boys Lacrosse MVP!

    Congratulations to Jaylin Johnson (‘25) on being named the 2024 MBIL Boys Lacrosse Most Valuable Player for the third consecutive season. Jaylin’s 2024 season was his most successful statistical season yet. He had 39 goals and 21 assists, including 74 ground balls (5.7 per game) from the attack position. He led the Chargers in both categories, accounting for 60 of the team's 130 goals in the season. Jaylin's presence on the field forced defenses to adjust to limit him, which also opened up opportunities for other players to contribute, and his scoring helped lead the highest-scoring offense in the MBIL (roughly 11 goals per game in league games). 

    “Jaylin grew into a leadership role both in word and in play. I am so proud of his continued growth as a lacrosse player” - Coach MacPhail.

    Congratulations, Jaylin!
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  • Science Expo

    Last week, students took part in the annual Science Expo! The Science Expo is when all students enrolled in a science course present a project or experiment they have been working on. 

    From Middle School students in Science 8 who studied the invasive plant species on campus to 12th grade students in Marine Biology who completed a behavior project on an animal of their choice; the presentations showed the range of science courses here at CH-CH!

    To see more photos from the Science Expo, view the Flickr album
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  • CH-CH Students Inducted to National Honor Society

    On Tuesday, May 14th, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School recognized the work of twenty-two students with membership into the CH-CH chapter of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. See full album of photos here.
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  • Spring Play: Marian, or the True Tale of Robin Hood

    The Spring Play, Marian, or the True Tale of Robin Hood, was performed last week on Thursday and Friday!

    The gender-bending take on the classic tale of Robin Hood got laughs from the audience and kept the everyone in the Mankiw Theater on the edge of their seat. 

    The production was phenomenal, congratulations to the cast and crew on a wonderful show! 

    View photos from the Dress Rehearsal and Theatre's Media Day 

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  • CH-CH Prom Highlights

    What a great time at CH-CH's Prom 2024! 🤩 Thank you to everyone that helped put this incredible event together, and to all the students that took part in one of our favorite CH-CH traditions! The full albums of photos are available on CH-CH's Flickr page.
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  • Raney Aronson-Rath, CH-CH Parent, Oscar Winner, and...2024 Commencement Speaker!

    It has been an eventful year for Raney Aronson-Rath P’27, as the documentary she produced with FRONTLINE, 20 Days in Mariupol, took home the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 2024 Academy Awards in March. Aronson-Rath recently visited campus to host a screening of the film, along with a panel discussion, and is excited to return on Saturday, June 1 to deliver the Commencement Address to the Class of 2024.

    As the editor-in-chief and executive producer of FRONTLINE, PBS’ investigative journalism documentary series, Aronson-Rath works on twenty films a year. In 2023, one of those films was 20 Days in Mariupol, which follows a Ukrainian journalist, Mstyslav Chernov, as he documents the Russian invasion of Ukraine while trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol.

    After its release, the film went on to win the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award for World Cinema Documentary and the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, among others. 

    On Sunday, April 21, Raney Aronson-Rath was joined by the film’s editor, Michelle Mizner, and Arun Rath P’27, host of All Things Considered on WGBH Radio, for a screening and panel discussion that took place in CH-CH’s Mankiw Theater. “I’m so excited to be here,” said Aronson-Rath. “Usually I’m sitting where you are all sitting because I’m here as a mom, and it’s an honor that you’ve invited us here.”

    Prior to the discussion, the CH-CH Class of 2024 viewed 20 Days in Mariupol through contextualized segments in their humanities electives throughout the month. They attended the panel discussion and provided the questions for the evening. “I just want to say it meant a lot to hear about the way that the film was shared with students and the conversations that happened around it,” said Mizner. “Thank you for taking such care in the way that it was presented.”

    Throughout the discussion, topics ranged from the thoughtful approach to using sensitive footage, how to maintain objectivity in journalism, and how the way a film is distributed can affect its impact (20 Days in Mariupol is available for free on FRONTLINE and YouTube; please note that this documentary displays graphic images of war). “The reason that FRONTLINE films are in front of the paywall is because of Raney,” said Mizner. “You cannot hide this journalism. I’m very proud that it’s free and available to the public, and that it is being screened with audiences like this.”

    With the difficult scenes throughout the film, many students asked about the filmmakers ability to not let their emotions impact their ability to remain journalistic. “We ask that question literally all day long,” said Aronson-Rath. “At FRONTLINE, the journalism that we practice is independent journalism. We never want to side with a government, we never want to side with any call to action, because we want to remain independent. We care deeply about just showing what is actually happening, it’s the job of prosecutors and war crimes investigators to look at this film and then do their jobs.”

    The FRONTLINE team is currently working on a new film with 20 Days in Mariupol Director, Chernov, and a host of other films, that will shine a light on topics that range from conflicts around the world, to investigative biographies of the U.S. presidential candidates.

    Aronson-Rath was able to spend time with the CH-CH Class of 2024, not only during the panel discussion, but after, where students talked about their own stories, and of course, took some photos with Oscar. “Talking with them has given me so many great ideas for topics that matter to them, and for the theme of the Commencement speech,” said Aronson-Rath.

    We look forward to welcoming Raney Aronson-Rath back to campus on Saturday, June 1 as she addresses the Class of 2024.
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  • Spring Concert

    Last week, at the Spring Concert, student performers shared their vocal and instrumental talents with the school community! Congratulations to all the students and teachers who made this fantastic performance possible.

    To see photos from the concert, view the Flickr album here
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  • April

    Middle School Science: Water Testing

    Last week in Science 8 with Ms. Shipley, Middle School students spent class outside to test the water quality of the ponds on campus. They wore waders and collected water samples to learn about the levels of nitrate, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, and other indicators. This experiment echoes a water study the 10th grade students take part in, helping CH-CH students build on their skills from Middle to Upper School.
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  • Rangoli (Sand Painting)

    Community Day

    On Community Day, students and faculty led workshops based on their skills and interests, encouraging community members to try something new and learn about the wealth of cultures and interests represented on campus. 

    The workshop topics this year included Rangoli (Sand Painting) led by Shruti Joshi, Painting with Light led by Karine T. ‘24, Pickup Basketball led by Josh Bubar, Magic: The Gathering led by Simon B. ‘24 and Guitar led by Matthew R. ‘24 in addition to many others! 

    Thank you to everyone who participated or led a workshop on Community Day, you all helped make it a success! 
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  • Grandparents & Special Friends Day

    Yesterday we welcomed Grandparents and Special Friends to campus!

    As part of this annual event, Grandparents and Special Friends had the chance to hear from members of the faculty and student body, learn about specific classes, and most importantly, spend time with their student! 

    To see more photos from the event, check out the Flickr album linked here
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  • Total Solar Eclipse

    On Monday, students witnessed a total solar eclipse, which only happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. Everyone gathered on campus and watched the eclipse as it continued its journey across North America, a rare moment to experience as a community. 

    Thank you to Science Department Chair, Mike Savaria, for providing eye protection and finding the best viewing spot! 
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  • Recording: Spring Virtual Town Hall

    Thank you to everyone who joined our Spring Virtual Town Hall this Tuesday!

    It was great to come together as a community and hear updates from various members of the faculty, staff, and PGA.
    If you were unable to attend, view the recording here.
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  • Student Life: Women's History Month

    Last week as part of Student Life, women from a wide range of fields and professions came to campus to meet and share their experiences with students in honor of Women’s History Month! 

    Guest Speakers: 
    • Leslie Cohen, Chief Operating Officer, Davis Companies  
    • Kayla Gaston-Singletary, Chef, FLIK 
    • Michelle Henry, Vice President of Project, Hudl (tech company that helps teams and individual athletes maximize their performance) 
    • Jacqueline Herrara, Executive Director, Waltham Family School
    • Kate Morales, formerly Senior Program Manager, Frontier Technology and Senior Satellite Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
    • Sarah Nolen, Puppeteer 
    • Lee Peterson, Probate and Family Court Judge, Trial Court of Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
    • Jody Staruk, Project Executive, and Heidi Reid, Senior Manager for Business Operation Development, Consigli Construction  
    • Emily Sweet, Medical Laboratory Scientist 
    • Jenn Turner, Executive Director, Robbins House Museum  
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  • March

    Ramadan Student Life Block

    Today’s Student Life Block was all about Ramadan, and how it is observed and celebrated around the world! CH-CH students and faculty watched documentaries and took part in interactive discussions centered on the traditions, rituals, and celebrations of Ramadan in the Islamic World. 
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  • February

    Photo credit: Luke DiOrio

    Driscoll Named 2024 MBIL Boys Basketball MVP!

    Congratulations to Josiah Driscoll (‘24) on being named the 2024 Boys Basketball MVP of the Massachusetts Bay Independent League! Josiah is a two year captain and a three year varsity starter for the Chargers. He has had an outstanding season, averaging 18.6 ppg, 9.8 rpg, 3.2 apg, 2.3 spg, and 1 bpg. In 8 games of league play, including the MBIL tournament, he averaged 19.5 points, 12.8 rebounds, and 3.9 assists, including a 10-13-10 triple double v. Gann in early February.
    As the numbers indicate, Josiah is an incredibly versatile player.  While he is truly a guard, he is able to operate in the post against smaller defenders, serve a screener or ball handler in pick and roll plays, and he has defended everyone from point guards to 6'7" centers with great effectiveness.
    In addition to his physical play, Coach Bubar notes, “Josiah is an outstanding and inclusive leader, and one of the best, if not the best, teammates I have ever had the opportunity to coach.” 
    Josiah helped lead the Chargers to win the 2024 MBIL Championship. The team also secured the #5 seed in the NEPSAC Class C Large School Tournament and travels to Hyde, Maine to take on #4 seed Kents Hill this afternoon.
    Congratulations, Josiah!
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  • Winter Athletics Award Night

    Thank you to everyone who attended last night's Winter Athletic Awards ceremony!

    It was wonderful to hear from coaches, learn about accomplishments throughout the Wrestling and Basketball seasons, and see student athletes receive awards for their hard work and improvement.

    Congratulations to all athletes and coaches on a successful winter season!

    Check out photos from the Winter Athletic Awards here
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  • Boys Basketball Wins MBIL Championship

    Congratulations to the Varsity Boys’ Basketball team on winning the 2024 Massachusetts Bay Independent League Division I Championship! The Chargers entered the tournament as the #1 seed after going 5-1 in league play. They defeated #4 seeded Brimmer 59-44 in the semi-final match-up and went on to win the championship, defeating #2 seeded Boston Trinity Academy 55-49 in a back and forth battle.

    Coach Bubar noted that, "This year's team joined a select group of CH-CH athletes by winning a league title this year, an accomplishment they are rightfully proud of. However, the best part of this team didn't come from winning a title; it came instead from the feeling of family, fostered by an outstanding senior class, that helped make the tough moments more bearable and the joyous moments even better. There is an unforgettable cast of characters on this team, with many different players stepping up at different moments to make an impact, and Coach Loar and I are just lucky to be here for all of it."

    The team awaits news of a potential bid to the NEPSAC Class C large school tournament. 

    Congratulations, and GO CHARGERS!

    Photo credit: Luke DiOrio
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  • Boys' Varsity Basketball - 2024 MBIL Champions!

    Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of this MBIL Champions, the CH-CH Boys' Varsity Basketball team. Let's Go Chargers!🏆
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  • Winter Carnival 2024: Majestic Mirth & Magic

    Last week, students, faculty, and staff enjoyed participating in the annual CH-CH Winter Carnival! This year’s theme was Majestic Mirth & Magic. 

    Students were divided into seven teams and designed art banners, participated in building challenges, and enjoyed a variety of activities all week. Congratulations to this year’s winning team, the Unicorns!

    Check out the Flickr album from Friday's finale day
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  • January

    Winter Carnival: Day One

    For the first day of this year's Winter Carnival, students participated in a variety of activities while enjoying a pajama dress up day.

    From cooking to knitting to winter sports, everyone worked hard to earn points for their Winter Carnival team! 
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  • Acids & Bases in Integrated Life Science I

    Yesterday in Ms. Anderson’s Integrated Life Science I class, students explored acids and bases. In this lab, they used a universal indicator to investigate the pH level of liquids such as coffee and dish soap.
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  • Squid Dissection in Marine Biology

    Dr. Savaria’s Marine Biology class worked on squid dissections today as part of their section on invertebrates. “Students get to practice their technical skills throughout the dissection, learning both how to use the tools, and the workings of the internal anatomy,” said Dr. Savaria.
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  • Virtual Town Hall Recording

    In case you missed it, watch the recording of this morning's Winter Virtual Town Hall at this link! 

    The link will also be shared in this week's Thursday, January 11 newsletter. 
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  • Adventures with Sokolow

    Yesterday's Student Life

    Yesterday, students took part in a variety of Student Life activities!

    These included Blackout Poetry, Learning Braille, the Science of Cooking, Trivia, and creating artwork to display around campus.
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